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Insights & Blogs

From Farrell Financial

Is The Tide Turning? Thumbnail

Is The Tide Turning?

We made quite a move up in most global and North American stock markets since last November. As many stock markets make new highs, there has been one index or group of stocks that has had some indigestion issues- the Nasdaq...

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Has Anything Changed? Thumbnail

Has Anything Changed?

Only 8 business days ago, we experienced some deep concern in the markets as many stock markets sold- off and the volatility measurement for the S&P 500, known as the VIX, spiked up to 41 – just below the June high of 44.

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Volatility and Risk Increases – Again Thumbnail

Volatility and Risk Increases – Again

We seem to be still recovering from the inordinate March drawdown which saw the S&P 500 move from 3,390 in February to a low of 2,220 in March. A very dramatic move in a short period of time.

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Sweet October? Thumbnail

Sweet October?

It was a good 3rd quarter for the markets with only 1 down month- September. Now, October has started on the right path, as our main indicator - the Bullish Percent for the NYSE (BPNYSE) - which measures the percentage of stocks that trade on the NYSE that are on a Point & Figure buy signal reversed up from 46% to 54%.

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Volatility Returns – Simply Rotation? Thumbnail

Volatility Returns – Simply Rotation?

We entered the month of September with an over-bought US stock market and it did not take long for a down movement to take hold in the US markets to reflect that state with the technology heavy Nasdaq 100 stocks leading the way.

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Back to New Highs! Thumbnail

Back to New Highs!

Back in January and February this year we were making new all- time highs in the most diversified stock market – S&P 500. We then had a set- back…. which moved into a recession

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Can we Continue to Move Ahead? Thumbnail

Can we Continue to Move Ahead?

Although the news is far from ideal on a number of fronts, when we look at the largest and strongest stock market around the world, the S&P 500 in the US, we see a breakout to a new high but not the all time high reached in February of this year at around 3,375.

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Can the Banks lead us Higher? Thumbnail

Can the Banks lead us Higher?

One of the lagging sectors in this massive stock market recovery has been the major banks – both in Canada and elsewhere. One could say, you will not have a strong economy without the bank sector contributing to the growth.

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Too Far Too Fast?? Thumbnail

Too Far Too Fast??

Volatility certainly seems to be the name of the game lately. The stock markets went down very fast and bounced back (somewhat) very fast. The Leading Nasdaq Composite made it back to where it started the New Year – the start of the New Decade. Remember the Roaring 20’s?

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Is There a Disconnect? Thumbnail

Is There a Disconnect?

WOW! Markets go down, markets go up. Does anyone really know what is going to happen next. In the end many say it always goes higher but there are some exceptions to that rule just like all rules.

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Risk Levels Remain Elevated Thumbnail

Risk Levels Remain Elevated

Last week we experienced a significant drop in the US stock markets from all-time highs. A sudden drop of this magnitude from all-time highs does not happen very often so it does make sense to put it into some context to see if it is simply another buying opportunity that is occurring or is it something different.

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